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Excursiones - Porvoo

On Wednesday 13th April, we have been to Porvoo with Netta Böök, our teacher of Finnish Wooden Architecture. We met in Gekko metro station (the huge yellow stuff in kamppi) and we took a direct bus from there to Porvoo. One hour was enough to arrive and start to apply the knowledge we have acquired in this course. It was 7€ each way, student price, paid by the University.

Porvoo is located at 50 minutes East from Helsinki, buses leave kamppi station around each half an hour and it used to be the most important city of Finland before the foundation of Helsinki in the year 1550.

This is my second time in Porvoo so I kind of know the city. I recommend people to visit it. Porvo is the oldest medieval city in Finland, it suffered its most destructive fire in 1760 and after that the city had to be rebuild. Even though, they followed the plots exactly the way they used to be before the fire and so the result is an authentic medieval grid town with wooden houses from the 18th C and a stone Cathedral. Nowadays is one of the most important cities of Finland and has around 7000 inhabitants, 90% Porvoo workers.

View of Jokikat

Wooden streets in of the medieval area

Cosy wooden urban spaces

Different relationship between the buildings. It worth.

Having some photo fun with the colleages

Wooden collage

Porvoo Cathedral

Inside dome

It's an unicorn in the Cathedral!!
After a long walking around the city, using the very first road that used to communicate Lappeeranta with Helsinki, and having visited the Cathedral and the modern library; we went for lunch. Here I must recommend you guys to go to this Hanna Maria coffee-restaurant. The have very nice home-made food, for an average price, and coffee/tea included. It's at the beginning of the old part, good chance to have a nice meal!

Ravintola Hanna Maria

Delicious salmon soup for 6€

After lunch, we had a great walk with the architect Lauri Rissanen, who is in charge of the renovation of several wooden buildings of Porvoo. Thanks a lot to him and Netta for this lovely excursion to Porvoo, they showed us the real soul of the wooden construction.

Lauri Rissanen with the students close to where he lives.

Living-room of the sauna building, already finished.

Horizontal wooden cladding

Slovak photography
Some links that might be interesting....
Porvoo in wikipedia
Ravintola Hanna Maria
About History of Finnish Architecture course


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