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Visual Arts - This is a Set Up

Today I did my set up for Visual Arts 3, lecture taught by Petteri Nisunen. 
Thanks Matissek for helping me to hung it from the window, otherwise I couldn't have done it!

The aim of the project is to use everyday materials and give them a different meaning while they work with the sun creating a new atmosphere.
The diminishing of daylight hours was taken as a reference to develop this new atmosphere, which will help the onlooker to enjoy the sun in a new way, evoking new feelings.
Conceptually, the project works contrasting concepts, so every observer will get its own critical. 


From the very beginning the idea was to do a set up in busy space, so people could interact with it, and even be able to modify it.
The architecture department was chosen because of its good location and the size and orientation of the windows. Anoter reason is that this department is a busy building, with wide corridors and big spaces. Students go by very often and they would to appreciate a new atmosphere located somewhere for a short period of time. Several sketches were needed to consider the size of the art work and the relation the walls have with the indoor spaces.

At the beginning, the idea was to create some kind of tunnel or threshold in somewhere outside, where we could enjoy the contrast of concepts. As the weather is getting colder and the sun light more dificult to reach, I needed to go upper and closer to an indoor space, because people use the outdoor spaces just for going from one place to another and not for delighting.
The surface of the windows were the perfect place to develop a new surface which could inter-actuate with the sun and the atmosphere of the building.

PLASTIC BAGS_ From a cheap supermarket
AIR_ easy to find
KNOTS_ typical one
DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE_ to stick the bags between them and with the window
TIME_ for delighting
SUN_ main character





Extra info for next year students and whoever wanna know some more about this:
Petteri+Grönlund official website


KoGoTAI ha dicho que…
So nice! Im impressed.

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