Last Wednesday 18th May, the department of Architecture of Aalto University organized a one-day-excursion trip for international students to visit Noormarkku, Pori, Rauma and Turku. We met a 8.00 in Kiasma, took a bus and arrived at 12.00 to our first and main stop in Noormarkku; VILLA MAIREA. It is quite hard to get to the house as it is hidden in the forest surrounded by natural paths, as most of the summer houses in Finland, so I recommend visitors to go with some organized trips of by renting a car and a good map and better directions. Getting lost in Finnish forest is not a plan. The entrance is 12€ and you have to book it in advance because the house belongs to a family and when they are there the house remains closed. Very first view of the house. El entorno es fundamental para entender la casa, la masa de troncos es de tal densidad que no puede pasar desapercibida. Los juegos de luces y sombras que se crean inspiraron a Aalto para diseñar los espacios interiores. Flo...
Sobre los años que pasé estudiando y trabajando en un país donde la educación es su mayor tesoro