Today I did my set up for Visual Arts 3, lecture taught by Petteri Nisunen. Thanks Matissek for helping me to hung it from the window, otherwise I couldn't have done it! THE CONCEPT The aim of the project is to use everyday materials and give them a different meaning while they work with the sun creating a new atmosphere. The diminishing of daylight hours was taken as a reference to develop this new atmosphere, which will help the onlooker to enjoy the sun in a new way, evoking new feelings. Conceptually, the project works contrasting concepts, so every observer will get its own critical. smooth-rough cold-warm full-empty light-heavy translucent-opaque THE PLACE From the very beginning the idea was to d o a set up in busy space, so people could interact with it , and even be able to modify it. The architecture department was chosen because of its good location and the size and orientatio n of the windows. Anoter reason is that...
Sobre los años que pasé estudiando y trabajando en un país donde la educación es su mayor tesoro