From my point of view, the most amazing collection of Aalto philosophy of design is able to be found in the Aalto Museum of Jyväskylä . We went there couple of weekends ago, and it was, from the city, what I liked the most. It is located close to the University, it is sited on a slope leading down towards Lake Jyväsjärvi . Completed in 1973 , the building, together with the Museum of Central Finland (Alvar Aalto 1961) form a centre of culture in the vicinity of the University of Jyväskylä (Alvar Aalto 1951-1971). We had to pay a 2€ fee for the access, (with the student discount) and we were there for 2 hours (and another 45 minutes in the café), so trust me when I say that it is worth visiting. Entrance of Aalto Museum Aalto Store. Verkkokauppa (in finnish) This time I couldn't resist and I did some shopping... One measuring tape designed by artek and a new moleskine, is there any better place to start a new moleskine than in Aalto Muse...
Sobre los años que pasé estudiando y trabajando en un país donde la educación es su mayor tesoro